Important Information
Tandem Skydive - Key InfoVoucher Validation Your voucher is valid until 01 Mar 23 You must validate book and use your voucher within the voucher expiry date.Duration: You'll spend approximately 1-4 hours at the centre but set aside a full day in case of poor weather.Group Size: Your tuition is on a one to one basis.Weather Dependent: YesSpectators: You are welcome to bring along family and friends to watch you skydive.Restrictions and Considerations: This may not be suitable for those who suffer from: epilepsy fits severe head injury recurrent blackouts or giddiness disease of the brain or nervous system high blood pressure heart or lung disease. The weight limit is 89-95kg (14-15 stone).You must be at least 16 years old (under 18 years must have parental consent).Requirements: You will need to provide a signed BPA Fitness Form - signed by your parent/guardian if you're under 18 plus a Consent to Parachute; Over 50's will need to seek medical advise prior.Availability: This experience is available Monday to Sunday (selected dates depending on the location) February to November.